Wholesale Application

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Once your wholesale application has been approved, you will be able to buy wholesale products in bulk at discounted trade prices. To apply for a wholesale account, please submit your business details via the form below. Once the form is completed, a member of staff will be in contact.

Business Type:

Business Address

Are any of the directors, owners or partners in this business an un-discharged bankrupt?
Have any of the directors, owners or partners held any other credit accounts with us?

Sole Traders / Partnerships Only Proprietor / Partner 1

Must be signed by a director, partner or proprietor of the business

If processing your application for credit facilities we may make enquires of credit references agencies and other third parties who may record those enquires. We may also disclose information about the conduct of your account to credit reference agencies and other third parties. The information obtained from or provided to credit reference agencies or other third parties may be used when assessing further applications for credit terms, for debt collection, for tracing and for fraud prevention. I, the undersigned herby confirm that if credit facilities are approved the account will be paid as per the agreed monthly terms.